A visceral exploration of the animating forces of life...
What's on the inside?
Ashtanga Vinyasa is a moving meditation on the breath, a visceral exploration of the animating forces of life. The practice is to feel these forces moving through the body, and make space for their nourishing energies to flow.
In this course, we remove the veil of external alignment to explore the internal movements of the breath. We learn how Ashtanga Vinyasa can enhance these movements, and how we can use them to participate consciously in the internal process of Hatha Yoga.
This is an opportunity to connect the bodily movements of Ashtanga with the internal process of Hatha Yoga, and uncover the esoteric meaning of this beautiful contemplative ritual, in which we open the inner spaces of our bodies, and make room within ourselves for consciousness to breathe.
Spirit of Ashtanga
• twelve unique workshops
• twelve practices followed by prerecorded Q&A's with Ty
• ongoing discussion forum
$108 USD
The course contains six modules, with each module containing two unique workshops.Each workshop is about 30 minutes long, shot by Alessandro Sigismondi.
Each module also includes a 2 hr practice + Q&A.These are light practice and discussion sessions, designed to help you connect more viscerally to the material (originally recorded in Feb 2022).
The course includes access to a private internal forum with other practitioners.
Connect with fellow yogis and ask Ty questions about the material.
Go at your own pace.
Purchase grants you access for one year.