nov 2, 2024 - june 14, 2025
This course is an extended live conversation about the spiritual process of hearing and engaging the deepest longings of our hearts, particularly the longing to know ourselves, to know the creative forces that shape us from within. Using a carefully curated selection of readings, weekly live talks, guided meditations, reflective journal prompts and peer discussion groups, we contemplate the nature of divinity, meditation, consciousness, embodiment, liberation, suffering, sorrow, yearning, trust, surrender and love.
$1550 USD Early Enrollment Rate
nov 2, 2024 - june 14, 2025
This course is an extended live conversation about the spiritual process of hearing and engaging the deepest longings of our hearts, particularly the longing to know ourselves, to know the creative forces that shape us from within. Using a carefully curated selection of readings, weekly live talks, guided meditations, reflective journal prompts and peer discussion groups, we contemplate the nature of divinity, meditation, consciousness, embodiment, liberation, suffering, sorrow, yearning, trust, surrender and love.
$1550 USD
Early Enrollment Rate
Ashtanga Vinyasa is a moving meditation on the breath, a visceral exploration of the animating forces of life. The practice is to feel these forces moving through the body, and make space for their nourishing energies to flow. In this course, we remove the veil of external alignment to explore the internal movements of the breath. We learn how Ashtanga Vinyasa can enhance these movements, and how we can use them to participate consciously in the internal process of Hatha Yoga.
$108 USD
Ashtanga Vinyasa is a moving meditation on the breath, a visceral exploration of the animating forces of life. The practice is to feel these forces moving through the body, and make space for their nourishing energies to flow. In this course, we remove the veil of external alignment to explore the internal movements of the breath. We learn how Ashtanga Vinyasa can enhance these movements, and how we can use them to participate consciously in the internal process of Hatha Yoga.
$180 USD
In this course, you will learn to practice the Primary Series (up to Navāsana) with focused alignment, balanced breath and vibrant internal form. The course will move slowly, allowing you to absorb the postures, while grounding yourself in the natural rhythm of the ritual. With a generous selection of variations, the practices will be accessible to most. All instruction will be given with lightness and warmth. Beginners are absolutely welcome to join.
$108 USD
In this course, you will learn to practice the Primary Series (up to Navāsana) with focused alignment, balanced breath and vibrant internal form. The course will move slowly, allowing you to absorb the postures, while grounding yourself in the natural rhythm of the ritual. With a generous selection of variations, the practices will be accessible to most. All instruction will be given with lightness and warmth. Beginners are absolutely welcome to join.
$180 USD
The Second Series is called Nadi Shodana, the cleansing of the little rivers, the opening of the channels though which the subtle breath can move. In this course, we go through every posture in the Second Series, learning adaptations to make the practice accessible, experimenting with different sequencing patterns for various stages of practice, and exploring postural loops for working with difficult forms.
$220 USD
The Second Series is called Nadi Shodana, the cleansing of the little rivers, the opening of the channels though which the subtle breath can move. In this five day immersion, we go through every posture in the Second Series, learning adaptations to make the practice accessible, experimenting with different sequencing patterns for various stages of practice, and exploring postural loops for working with difficult forms.
$250 USD
The Third Series is called "Sthira Bhava" or "steady devotion" because that is precisely what the practice demands. In this course, we explore the rhythm and flow of the Third Series, including not only the postures, but the dynamic sequences of breath, movement and awareness to which they belong. We develop strategies for working constructively with difficult forms, and we adapt the postures where necessary to our unique bodies and circumstances.
$250 USD
The Third Series is called "Sthira Bhava" or "steady devotion" because that is precisely what the practice demands. In this five day immersion, we explore the rhythm and flow of the Third Series, including not only the postures, but the dynamic sequences of breath, movement and awareness to which they belong. We develop strategies for working constructively with difficult forms, and we adapt the postures where necessary to our unique bodies and circumstances.
$250 USD